Camp Rx: A Prescription for Success
June 21, 2017

The SNPhA Camp Rx team have been hard at work since they were chosen as the Region V finalist by Walmart & Sam’s Club for the national SNPhA Prescription for Service Competition. The team consists of Jessica Chan (founding SNPhA president), Kenya Covarrubias (SNPhA Vice-President), Madison Fesperman (SNPhA President), Cecilia Kieu (SNPhA member), and Faith Olivares (founding SNPhA Scholarship & Competition chair).
Using the $2,500 grant from the competition sponsors, Walmart and Sam’s Club, Team Camp Rx implemented their proposal and allocated the funds to create a sustainable project that serves the underserved communities. With the focus of making an impact with community outreach, Team Camp Rx recruited 17 eager and enthusiastic middle school and primarily high school students from the Fresno Migrant program and local schools to attend a free three-day pharmacy camp named Camp Rx: A Prescription for Success.
The camp took place on the CHSU campus from May 19-21, during which students had hands-on activities to learn about what pharmacists do and to interact with pharmacists from different specialties. Many CHSU staff and faculty members and pharmacists from the local community generously donated their time to help CampRx. Students also participated in activities to learn about what pharmacists do in different fields, learned to take blood pressure, learned about prescription drug abuse, toured a local Walmart pharmacy, and the student favorite – made suspensions in the compounding lab!
On the final day, the students presented a poster that they worked on with a team based a topic from a camp activity to their parents. The young students were very excited to graduate from Camp Rx and receive their very own stethoscope! Lunch was generously donated by Bowlzeye and CHSU on Saturday and Sunday respectively.
From now until the NPhA conference in Las Vegas, July 28-31, Team Camp Rx will be putting together a presentation and poster to present with the chance of being awarded a scholarship to aid their education!