CHSU Student, Salam Kabbani to Serve on the APhA-ASP National Standing Committee
February 20, 2018

We are pleased to announce that Salam Kabbani, 3rd year PharmD student has been selected to serve as the Chair of the Awards committee for the APhA-ASP National Standing Committee. The majority of the Academy’s work is completed through the five APhA-ASP National Standing Committees: Awards, Communications, International, Member Engagement, and Policy.
Members of the APhA-ASP National Standing Committees play a vital role in representing student members’ views to the Association, and will serve as national representatives and session leaders at APhA-ASP meetings including: APhA-ASP Summer Leadership Institute, APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meetings, and more! Aside from the specific roles and responsibilities of their specialized committees, the APhA-ASP National Standing Committee members make up the majority of the 28 total delegates that represent the Academy of Student Pharmacists as a whole, in the APhA House of Delegates.
Salam is pleased to oversee the Awards committee by leading the group, managing the review of the chapter reports including the operational reports (operation heart, operation diabetes, generation Rx, etc…) and evaluating each chapter’s performance for the year to decide who wins awards.
Please join us in congratulating Salam!