Fall Prevention Awareness Dinner Fundraiser
September 1, 2017

California Health Sciences University (CHSU) is pleased to collaborate with the SAFE (Senior Awareness & Fall Education)- Central Valley Coalition. Founded in 2011 by the College of Health and Human Services, Department of Physical Therapy at Fresno State, the SAFE Coalition team is designed to offer joint interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP) student experiences to provide comprehensive balance assessments for older patients to determine their fall risk.
Students from CHSU’s College of Pharmacy and California State University, Fresno’s Physical Therapy, Nursing and Kinesiology programs evaluate patients on a self-reported questionnaire regarding medical history, medication therapy, lifestyle, physical activity, and fall history. During the screening, CHSU pharmacy students conduct medication review and reconciliation, assess side effects, doses, adherence to reduce polypharmacy in older adults. Through this experience, pharmacy students provide exposure and insight into medication management to students in other disciplines, while gaining valuable knowledge of patient assessment from physical therapy and nursing students.
More information at www.safecvc.edu