Harneet Kaur Receives Community Pharmacy Scholarship
July 13, 2018

California Health Sciences University would like to congratulate Harneet Kaur, a fourth year Doctor of Pharmacy student, for being selected to receive the Community Pharmacy Scholarship sponsored by Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company.
The scholarship program acknowledges students who are planning to practice in an independent or small chain community pharmacy, or an underserved area. Harneet is one of 20 students who is a recipient of the Phamacists Mutual Community Pharmacy Scholarship and has been awarded $2,500. Harneet is the only recipient from California that was selected for the 2018-19 scholarship awards.
“I am very excited to represent CHSU across the nation by working hard to earn this scholarship. As the only candidate selected from California, I am both proud and eager to see where this opportunity leads. This scholarship is definitely a building block to getting me to my dreams of starting a career in pharmacy,” said Harneet. She added, “My goal is to dedicate my life to provide an exceptional patient centered health care experience. By volunteering and working to help community members learn about their health, I feel a satisfaction that I am doing something that benefits our community members.”
Congratulations Harneet! CHSU is proud to have you represent California, as well as the Central Valley.