Helping Students Succeed in the Job Market
October 31, 2017

CHSU hosted its first Employer & Residency Showcase on Friday, October 20, 2017. The event was an opportunity for College of Pharmacy students to network and make connections with employers and residency directors and learn more about professional opportunities.
Employers in attendance included CVS Health, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Rx Relief, Community Regional Medical Center, Fresno Heart & Surgical Hospital and Walmart. Representatives from each of these employers were available to provide students with information regarding jobs and internships.
Additionally, local residency programs, including Clovis Community Medical Center, Community Regional Medical Center, Kaweah Delta Healthcare District, Kaiser Permanente, Sutter Health East Bay, and Valley Children’s Hospital, were in attendance.
This was the first time CHSU has hosted a large scale career fair in the fall semester, as the Career Fair is traditionally held in the springtime. As CHSU gets ready to graduate its first class in May 2018, students are becoming more interested in residencies in particular, as those programs will provide these new pharmacists more advanced training, and make them more competitive in the job market in the long run.
To see photos from the Employer and Residency Showcase, please visit CHSU’s Facebook album here: