Join CHSU’s Pharmily in the Fight Against Heart Disease
September 20, 2017

CHSU is teaming up with American Heart Association for their annual Heart and Stroke Walk on Saturday, October 21st. The Heart Walk brings together people from all walks of life to raise awareness and funds to build healthier lives and hearts in our community. CHSU has a team this year, and there are a few ways you can get involved in this opportunity! First, you can donate, or share our donation page online with your friends and family. All funds raised go back to AHA. Our company goal is $2,500 so every bit helps! Additionally, you can sign up to participate in the Heart Walk on October 21st! All the cohorts have their own fundraising teams, so we can have a bit of friendly competition to see which team can raise the most money! (CHSU Staff/Faculty, COP 2018, 19, 20, 21).
For more information or to get involved, please contact Kathryn Walters at The link to the CHSU faculty/staff fundraising page is here:
Share with family and friends, and together, let’s promote healthy living in the Central Valley!