CHSU Featured in KSEE24 News Story Regarding Shortage of Physicians in the Valley
November 13, 2018

Did you know that Central California is short more than 4,000 physicians for the size of its population? KSEE24 news reporter, Dennis Valera recently put out a news story to highlight this critical issue and how local universities, such as CHSU and UCSF Fresno are helping to increase opportunities for education and training in hopes of having more physicians stay in our community to serve Valley residents.
Check out the story here:
A big thank you to the following people for participating in this story:
Dr. John Graneto, Dean of the proposed College of Osteopathic Medicine
Dr. Wendy Duncan, Senior VP of Academic Affairs, Provost and Dean of the College of Pharmacy
Dr. Kathryn Baeza, CHSU College of Pharmacy Alumni
Shyanne Berger, pre-pharmacy student
And of course a big thank you to Dennis Valera and his team at KSEE24 for educating our community about the opportunities to pursue a career in health care and stay close to home!