2021 Grad Stories: Karen Cruz Pelham
May 13, 2021

From Emergency Room Scribe to PharmD, CHSU Grad Leads the Next Generation of Pharmacists

Dr. Karen Cruz Pelham, CHSU College of Pharmacy graduate, is widely versed in the health care industry and always knew she wanted to deliver patient care. While completing her undergrad at Fresno State, she worked in emergency rooms as a scribe. She then shifted to working for the Informatics Department at Saint Agnes Medical Center as a Clinical Technology Specialist. She was present during the transition to electronic medical records and was a specialist in the Cerner software, providing training and support to physicians, nurses, and hospital staff. But her ultimate goal was to become a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) and help patients.
Dr. Pelham was born in the United States but raised in Mexico until the age of 6. When her family came back to the US, she didn’t know any English. Her parents moved around often, but eventually settled down in Parlier to be near her aunt.
It was in her sophomore year at Fresno State when she lost her father, who suffered from multiple chronic conditions including Multiple Sclerosis and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
“He had a bucket full of meds and he would have to take those every day,” said Dr. Pelham, “That’s what got me interested in science and medicine. Seeing him taking all those medications and how his disease progression evolved was what got me interested in pharmacy.”
She was accepted into the CHSU College of Pharmacy and started seeing all that pharmacists can do in a patient setting. While on a fourth-year rotation at Doctors Medical Center in Modesto, her Spanish speaking skills became very beneficial when she started seeing Spanish-speaking patients by herself to provide diabetes education and train them how to use insulin pens.
“Everyone has this picture in their head that pharmacy is just counting pills because that’s what you see in community pharmacy, but in reality, one of the great things about pharmacy is that you can become an advanced practice pharmacist and still provide that medical care to patients,” said Dr. Pelham.

While pursuing her goal of becoming a bilingual pharmacist, she faced another unexpected challenge. In December of 2019, she lost her mother to brain cancer. Her mother was a big part in helping her secure financial aid and get into pharmacy school.
“I dedicate all my hard work and efforts to my mom and dad and I always want to make them proud. I know they are watching over me everyday,” she said.
During her time at CHSU, she was highly involved in student organizations and leadership activities. She was selected as one of 22 collegiate pharmacy students from across the United States to be part of the inaugural Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Academy. This intensive and prestigious leadership training program was designed to help good leaders become great leaders in the profession of pharmacy. She completes her Leadership Academy training at the end of this month.
She also served as the Class President for two years, was involved with the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA), Kappa Psi, the American Pharmacist Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP), served on the CHSU COP Assessment and Co-Curricular Committee and was a mentor for the CVS/CHSU Próspero Program, a pathway program to prepare high school and undergraduate college students for a career in pharmacy. Recently, she presented a poster at ASHP MidYear 2020 in December titled: Cisplatin and Renal Dysfunction; Where Electrolytes Begin and Forced Diuresis Ends.
After graduation, Dr. Pelham will be starting the Kern Medical Center’s PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency program in Bakersfield, designed to provide a solid foundation in acute and ambulatory pharmaceutical care, drug policy development, and professional leadership. She plans on earning her teaching certificate while completing her residency and eventually become an adjunct professor and preceptor for future pharmacy students. She also wants to work on obtaining her Advanced Practice Pharmacist Certificate to become authorized to provide more direct patient care.
Dr. Karen Cruz Pelham will be graduating Summa Cum Laude this Saturday, May 15, 2021 with her Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) from CHSU.
The 2021 Grad Stories is a series dedicated to honoring our California Health Sciences University (CHSU) Doctor of Pharmacy graduates and showcasing their accomplishments throughout their time at CHSU while earning their PharmD degree.