CHSU Earns WASC Accreditation and Switches Over to .EDU Website Domain
August 14, 2018

California Health Sciences University (CHSU) is pleased to announce that it is now accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).
CHSU received the good news following the WSCUC Commission meeting last month, when they were granted “Initial Accreditation” for a period of six years. WSCUC is one of seven regional agencies that accredits colleges and universities in the United States.
“We’re proud to achieve this important university milestone with WSCUC, within our aggressive timeline,” said Florence Dunn, founding president at CHSU. “The achievement with WSCUC was made possible by support from the entire campus community — from the Board of Trustees and Administration to the faculty, staff and students at CHSU — many of whom served on committees to help prepare the accreditation self-evaluations”, Dunn added.
One of the many benefits of being an accredited University, is the ability to be able to qualify for a .EDU website domain. Having a .EDU website address enables users to immediately identify that CHSU is an accredited and reputable educational institution.
In addition to changing the website address from .ORG to .EDU, all email addresses for University administration, faculty, staff, students and alumni also switched over to .EDU effective August 8, 2018.
Over the next year, CHSU will continue to make positive changes as a result of becoming accredited. Stay tuned to our website news blog for updates pertaining to Financial Aid qualifications, Admissions and more!