CHSU Library Receives NNLM Technology Equity Award
July 31, 2023

The California Health Sciences University (CHSU) Health Sciences Library is the recipient of the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) Technology Equity Award! The award supports infrastructure that improves equitable access to biomedical and health information.

Congratulations to Kyle Robinson, MLIS, Electronic and Technical Services Librarian, for attaining this award for submitting the project titled, “Development of a Technology Lending Program to Enhance Medical Students’ Access to Library Resources at the Point-of-Care.”
The importance of utilizing mobile technology in healthcare and medical education lies in addressing the challenges posed by a shortage of physicians, particularly primary care physicians and specialists. California’s San Joaquin Valley, like many other regions nationally, faces a growing population and an increasing demand for health services. However, the number of physicians available to meet this demand falls significantly short of the recommended ratios by the Council on Graduate Medical Education.
To tackle this issue, the plan is to leverage emerging technologies, specifically mobile technology, to support healthcare workers, particularly physicians, in providing quality care to patients. Mobile technology offers quick access to evidence-based practices, medication recommendations, and treatment standards. By arming physicians with such tools, they can make informed decisions at the point of care, improving patient outcomes and reducing gaps in their knowledge.
Medical students also benefit from using mobile technology, as it allows them to study during downtime, access critical information quickly, and make use of expert opinions in their decision-making processes. As they transition from theory and simulation to real-world application, the ability to search, reference, and make informed decisions through mobile technology becomes invaluable in supplementing any knowledge gaps.
Over the next year, with the NNLM’s award in the amount of $5,000, we plan to purchase and loan out tablets to third year medical students going on clerkship rotations enabling them to access information and expert knowledge at the point of care, thus enhancing patient care, medical education, and the overall healthcare system.