CHSU Pharmacy Students Prepare for IPPEs
May 20, 2016

First year and second year pharmacy students at the CHSU College of Pharmacy have finished their coursework for the academic year and are very excited to begin their summer Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPEs). In preparation, the Office of Experiential Education at CHSU is helping students through their orientation processes for their IPPEs.
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First year students receive their practical experience in a community pharmacy setting, while second year students experience their IPPE II in a hospital or institutional pharmacy setting.
“We are very pleased to be involved in the student’s orientation process as they prepare for their IPPEs,” Huma Ibrahim, PharmD, Director of Experiential Education. “A huge thank you to all, for their cooperation and patience in providing the Office of Experiential Education the information they need to get them started in a timely manner. We look forward to hearing about their experiences and wish them the best of luck on their rotation!”
As part of the four year Doctor of Pharmacy degree program at CHSU, pharmacy students need a total of 320 hours of Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) in community and institutional pharmacies. The first IPPE rotation occurs in the summer after the first year of didactic instruction and includes 160 hours in a community pharmacy working under the supervision of a pharmacist as an Intern Pharmacist. Pharmacy students will receive 120 hours of IPPE in an institutional setting in the summer after their second academic year of instruction and 40 hours of IPPE in a clinical setting in their second semester of their third year.
The summer immediately following the completion of the third academic year, the student begins Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs), which are offered in community pharmacies, hospitals, outpatient clinics and a variety of other practice settings. Each APPE consists of no less than 240 hours or 40 hours a week over 6 weeks.
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Before each IPPE and APPE rotation, CHSU will offer Preceptor training to participating pharmacists to ensure they are knowledgeable about the university and program, understand their preceptor responsibilities, are provided with the course syllabus and workbook and are trained on using the E*Value system to help manage pharmacy education.
The Office of Experiential Education, Preceptor training is prepared and/or conducted by:
Huma Ibrahim, PharmD, Director of Experiential Education
Lily Phanthachack, Experiential Education Coordinator
Please contact Dr. Huma Ibrahim at or (559) 325-3600 if you are interested in becoming a CHSU Preceptor.