CHSU Supports Yes on Measure E
February 28, 2024

Please join CHSU and consider voting yes on Measure E! On March 5, Fresno County voters will vote on Measure E, which would support the students at Fresno State, which ranked 26th among the best colleges and universities (Washington Monthly), through funding scholarships, academic and athletics projects, including deferred maintenance and infrastructure improvements.
If approved by Fresno County voters, Fresno State will work closely with the Citizens’ Oversight Committee to accomplish and prioritize these goals by adding a sales tax of one penny for every $4 to purchases in Fresno County, which is expected to raise $63 million annually for a total of $1.575 billion over the 25 year term.
Voting in the upcoming Presidential Primary Election on March 5 is critical for the future of the local region, and all voters are encouraged to participate regardless of their decisions. To learn more about how to vote and where to register, visit the Fresno County website.